简体中文的点评 (全语言点评总数 : 11 条点评)
“Pleasantly surprised”
My mother and I were just returning to our hotel when we encountered this small restaurant. We were very found of the facade design, and the food was ...great as well. While they may not suit the stomachs not accustomed to seafood, we appreciated the sushi, the salmon roe as well as the fish bone dish. The staff were very friendly, but there could be some problem in communication. The electronic menu comes in English, but not in Chinese translation. If you can tolerate some inconvenience, it is definitely worth a try! 我们在大约晚上十点偶尔走进这家酒馆,这里的海鲜菜式很好吃,并且能体验到大阪本地人的用餐氛围。虽然服务员似乎不能理解英语,但他们依然很热情,并且乐于帮助我们。有可翻译的电子菜单,但没有有效的中文翻译,我们最后看的是英文版本。我们点了一份寿司,一份三文鱼籽,一份烤鱼骨(比菜单照片上要量大很多),以及一杯啤酒。它们都很美味。如果外国人可以接受沟通上的麻烦,我会推荐尝试一下这家餐馆。
July 2023访问