简体中文的点评 (全语言点评总数 : 7 条点评)
北海道蔬食店第一名!! 必吃单品 照烧大豆肉饭,照烧肉非常鲜嫩多汁,口感Q弹有嚼劲,一口咬下独特的炭火酱香大爆棚~保证是让你意犹未尽的一碗饭
“Best 2 hours in Hokkaido”
(English review included) 这是一家纯素(vegan无肉无蛋奶)的餐厅。即使抛去素食的“噱头”它也是非常非常优秀的一家餐厅。店里的招牌大概是素肉、汉堡和豆奶甜筒以及芭菲。但也有纯素的浓厚拉面、沙拉、特色薯条等等。 这家店离市中心并不近,从中岛公园站坐地铁过去5站,但是是绝对...绝对值得去跑一趟的!不去后悔!店门口有一个冰淇淋甜筒雕塑,店内装饰简洁又温馨。员工的态度好到让人都不好意思了。我点了Soy meat bowl(照烧素肉糙米碗)和Chocolate Banana Parfait(香蕉巧克力芭菲)。 Soy Meat Bowl素肉肥瘦相间、味道丰富、好吃到词穷!搭配爽脆的卷心菜和素蛋黄酱实在是让人满足。 芭菲至少有我小臂那么高、在豆乳冰淇淋下面还藏着巧克力雪糕!好吃到一个人也吃光光。还有草莓口味和日式抹茶白玉口味的。最后还打包了一个素的照烧汉堡,也是超好吃。价格又超级便宜。好可惜不能在札幌多待几天,否则天天来。 This restaurant isn’t the closest to the city center and requires 5 stops of subway from Takajima Park. However, it is definitely worth it for the ride! You would probably only regret for not going. The restaurant has a ice cream statue in front, and has a warm but cool atmosphere. The staff were just too friendly and kind. I got the teriyaki soy meat brown rice bowl and chocolate banana parfait. The soy meat was tender and very realistic, the flavor was awesome and the crunchiness of cabbage matches it well. The chocolate parfait was massive, and there isn’t just soy soft serve but also chocolate ice cream hidden inside! I also got a teriyaki soy meat burger to take out. This restaurant is affordable and sooo delicious. I would definitely visit Sapporo again just to come back again!
July 2018访问