繁體中文的評論 (全語言評論總數 : 6 則評論)
“服務非常失望 Really Disappointed by the service”
食物的味道還是不錯,但是服務態度太差了。服務員多給我算了三次錢,退了我兩次錢,都被我們發現了(一次打錯賬單,一次扣錢扣多了,後來又差我一千塊錢),速度也特別得慢,而且非常不耐煩。沒有會說中文或英語的服務員,雖然有中英文的菜單。我在剛交錢的時候服務員其實聽得懂,但後來我讓她給我找錢的時候就開始飆日語,...最後是我拿第一次付款的收據,還把她帶到我們桌上指着我們的飯才給我退的錢。我在這家餐廳吃了一個小時,可惜只有不到十分鐘我在享受我的午飯。 The food generally tasted well, but the service was very bad. Although there was an English & Chinese menu, nobody spoke either of the languages in the restaurant. The waitress counted the money wrongly for three times, and took the wrong amount of money for three times. She could understand English in the beginning, but later when I told her she had made a mistake, she couldn’t understand anymore and started to speak lots of Japanese to me. I showed her my receipts and brought her to the table to see what we have ordered, in order to make her realise what she had done wrong. Her attitude was very bad during the refund, and she did the job really slowly. I spent an hour in the restaurant, but enjoying my meal for less than 10 min.