
Manin Daikanyama

  • Credit Card
  • Non-Smoking
  • Izakaya (Japanese Style Pub),Japanese Fusion,Shabu Shabu
  • Lunch 1,000 JPY Dinner 7,000 JPY
  • 03-3780-0352 (+81-3-3780-0352)
  • Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:30 - 23:00(L.O.22:00, Drink L.O. 22:30)
  • Daikan-Yama(Tokyo)
    Tokyu Toyoko Line Daikan-yama Station 5-minute walk

Free & Instant Reservation

TripAdvisor Traveler Reviews

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18 years of being the local favorite. Enjoy heart-warming Japanese home cooking including sashimi, shabu-shabu and tempura.

Located in the suburbs of Shibuya, the interior is tranquil and stylish. 18 years has passed with the support of local residents and continuous efforts. From heart-warming simple Japanese home cooking to skillfully prepared reinventions, you can enjoy smart Japanese cuisine. We have lots of traditional Japanese dishes such as sashimi, shabu-shabu and tempura, which you must try when you come to Japan.
It costs under 1,000 to your place on a taxi from Shibuya or Ebisu Station.
We are 5 minutes walk from Daikanyama Station.

Restaurant Detail

Address 9-8, Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0033
Japanese Address

〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町9-8 URBAN PARK代官山1 B1

Access Tokyu Toyoko Line Daikan-yama Station 5-minute walk, JR Shibuya Station South Exit 15-minute walk
Parking No Parking
Phone Number +81-3-3780-0352
Hours Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:30 - 23:00(L.O.22:00, Drink L.O. 22:30)
Close Irregular holidays
Average price Lunch 1,000 JPY Dinner 7,000 JPY
Service charge Service charge 10%, Cover charge Dinner appetizer 600 yen (tax included)
Payment method <Cards Accepted>
VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, MUFG, UC, DC, NICOS, UFJ, SAISON
<Electronic Money / Other Payment Methods>
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA, SUGOCA, HAYAKAKEN, manaca, nimoca, iD, Rakuten Pay, QUICPay, LINE Pay
Time of payment ●If only reserving seats
Date of visit
Canceling ●If only reserving seats
The following rules will be applied in the case of canceling reservation.

Course Reservations
Cancellation on the day of the reservation(without prior notice):100%
Cancellation on the day of the reservation(with prior notice):50%

Table Reservations(Per person)
Cancellation on the day of the reservation(without prior notice):4000JPY
Free & Instant Reservation
For business names, representatives or business managers, and contact information, please contact the store.

Seating/Facility information

Seating Capacity 22
Banquet Maximum Party Size Seating 22
Smoking No smoking inside the store
Kid Friendly Children are welcome
Wi-Fi / Plug-in au, SoftBank, NTT DoCoMo
Other Sommelier on staff, Sake advisor on staff

Menu and Others information

Menu Lunch
Dress Code Casual

Infection prevention


Updated on May 10, 2021

Dining rooms and equipments disinfected
Tables disinfected between guests
Sanitizers available to guests and staff
Ventilation for dining room
Partitions set for tables and counters
Socially distanced dining tables and chairs
Contactless payment
Using cash trays when guests pay
Face masks required for staff
Wash hands, sanitizing, and gargling required for staff

May restrict number of guests during peak hours.

*Infection prevention are provided by the shop and are not checked by Gurunavi for accuracy.



Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:30 - 23:00(L.O.22:00, Drink L.O. 22:30)


Irregular holidays

Average price

Lunch: 1,000 JPY
Dinner: 7,000 JPY

You can check the restaurant information in the phone.

QR Code links to Homepage

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