多酒多菜 『昔ばなし』 別館

Mukashibanashi Bekkan

  • Credit Card
  • Private Room
  • Motsunabe (Horumon Hot Pot),Izakaya (Japanese Style Pub),Sashimi (Raw Sliced Fish)
  • Dinner 5,000 JPY
  • 03-3981-8748 (+81-3-3981-8748)
  • Monday - Thursday & Sunday 16:00 - 24:00(L.O.23:00, Drink L.O. 23:30) Friday & Saturday & Day before holiday 17:00 - 3:00, the following day(L.O.2:00, Drink L.O. 2:30) Holiday 16:00 - 24:00
  • Ikebukuro(Tokyo)
    JR Ikebukuro Station West Exit 3-minute walk

TripAdvisor Traveler Reviews

See Reviews

A space like a hideout that lets you forget the bustle of the city. We serve a variety of dishes from such as fresh fish, and jidori (free-range) chickens, and mostu-nabe (offal) hot pots.

Our head chef traveled all the way to Hakata, and created the tonkotsu soup after many trial and errors. Try our motsu-nabe with its special soup, you will surely know it is addicting as our many frequented customers.
We offer over 40 selection of jizake ( local Japanese sake) including locally-loved brands and those that sake connoisseurs love. Our master who loves jizake so much recommends the best-paired one for you.

Restaurant Detail

Address 1-37-16, Nishiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 171-0021
Japanese Address

〒171-0021 東京都豊島区西池袋1-37-16 大雄ビル6~7F

Access JR Ikebukuro Station West Exit 3-minute walk
Parking No Parking
Phone Number +81-3-3981-8748
Hours Monday - Thursday & Sunday 16:00 - 24:00(L.O.23:00, Drink L.O. 23:30)
Friday & Saturday & Day before holiday 17:00 - 3:00, the following day(L.O.2:00, Drink L.O. 2:30)
Holiday 16:00 - 24:00
Close Open everyday
Average price Dinner 5,000 JPY
Service charge Service charge 10%
Payment method <Cards Accepted>
VISA, MasterCard, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, MUFG, UC, DC, NICOS, UFJ, SAISON, APLUS, J-DEBIT
For business names, representatives or business managers, and contact information, please contact the store.

Seating/Facility information

Seating Capacity 32
Banquet Maximum Party Size Seating 12
Reservation Maximum Party Size 10 - 12
Private Room Private Room
Wi-Fi / Plug-in au, SoftBank, NTT DoCoMo
Plug-in Available

Menu and Others information

Menu All you can drink menu, Birthday benefits in menu
Dress Code Casual, Formal

Infection prevention


Updated on June 28, 2021

Dining rooms and equipments disinfected
Tables disinfected between guests
Sanitizers available to guests and staff
Ventilation for dining room
Partitions set for tables and counters
Socially distanced dining tables and chairs
No tables sharing with other groups
Foods served individually(not served on a single plate)
Contactless payment
Using cash trays when guests pay
Face masks required for staff
Wash hands, sanitizing, and gargling required for staff
Regular temperature checks for staff

The shop might decline diners if they feel sick.

May ask customers temperature checks for entering a restaurant.

May restrict number of guests during peak hours.

The shop might ask diners to wear masks except when drinking or eating.

*Infection prevention are provided by the shop and are not checked by Gurunavi for accuracy.



Monday - Thursday & Sunday 16:00 - 24:00(L.O.23:00, Drink L.O. 23:30)
Friday & Saturday & Day before holiday 17:00 - 3:00, the following day(L.O.2:00, Drink L.O. 2:30)
Holiday 16:00 - 24:00


Open everyday

Average price

Dinner: 5,000 JPY

Service Offer

  • All you can drink menu

You can check the restaurant information in the phone.

QR Code links to Homepage

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