アウトバックステーキハウス 池袋店

OUTBACK Ikebukuroten

  • Credit Card
  • Non-Smoking
  • English Menu
  • English OK
  • Steak,European Other,Bar
  • Dinner 2,500 JPY
  • 03-5928-1391 (+81-3-5928-1391)
  • Saturday & Sunday & Holiday 12:00 - 22:00(L.O.21:00)( ) Monday - Thursday 17:00 - 22:00(L.O.21:00) Friday 17:00 - 22:30(L.O.21:30)
  • Ikebukuro(Tokyo)
    JR Ikebukuro Station East Exit 1-minute walk

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TripAdvisor Traveler Reviews

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English Reviews (Reviews Total Language : 57 reviews)

Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

“A welcome addition to Ikebukuro eateries”

Reviewed 25/Nov/2016

Although Outback in Ikebukuro has been open a while now, my wife and I made our first visit last night. As others have mentioned, it is on the 7th floor of a "game center" building between BIC Camera Honten and Yamada Denki Labi outlet. Having eaten at other Outbacks overseas (i.e. outside of Japan...), I was quite impressed with the interior, which gave it a more upmarket feel. The staff were very friendly and welcoming and we were soon seated. We ordered the Bloomin' Onion, which is a kind of Outback trademark, but while excellent in taste, was a little too much just for two. It's really enough for four or even five. My wife ordered the Outback Special steak, which is rump and comes in 200g and 300g cuts. The 200g is 2,420 yen and the 300g is 3,040 yen. I ordered the New York Strip, which is 300g at 3,450 yen. Very reasonable pricing, I think. The steaks come with a choice of vegetables and soup or salad. We both had the side salad with blue cheese dressing. I also couldn't resist ordering grilled shrimps and scallops. The shrimps were great and the scallops so-so. My wife wasn't drinking so I ordered a carafe of premium red wine, 500ml was about 1,780 yen. Again, quite reasonable, and good. As at overseas Outbacks, complimentary bread is served (very nice bread I would add). Portions were certainly not standard Japanese. We both came out ready to roll down the road we felt so full. We will definitely visit again but next time skip the appetizers, including the delicious onion, and just stick to the steak with veggies and side salad. This would be plenty. There was one negative and that was the steaks weren't really cooked quite as ordered. The waitress did ask but my wife told her they were fine...so they were fine. As a footnote, the Shibuya, Roppongi, Ikebukuro and Osaka branches do levy a 10% service charge. The prices above do not include that.

Visited November 2016

Christchurch, New Zealand

“Lovely air conditioning- staff just ok”

Reviewed 22/Aug/2016

We ate at an odd time thanks to being jet lagged, staff seated us swiftly but we were told we could only stay for a maximum of 2 hours! We ordered our food & drinks, and as in many non western countries the food is brought out as its ready rather than everybody getting there meal at the same time. T...he food was the standard Outback dishes, the beer was cold so no complaints. As we left no one else had come in to eat so the need to limit table times were not necessary.

Visited July 2016

Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Reviewed 21/Jul/2016

本場アメリカンステーキ! アメリカンなステーキが無性に食べたくなった! そういえば、アメリカのステーキハウスでは鉄板ではなく皿で提供されるが、どうして日本のステーキハウスではハンバーグのように鉄板で提供するステーキの文化が定着したのだろうか? そこで思い浮かぶのが肉と野菜をグリルして鉄板で提供するアメリカ・テキサス州発祥の料理Fajita(ファヒータ)! 熱々の鉄板サーブされる肉と野菜をTortilla(トルティージャ/トルティーヤ)に乗せて食べるメキシコ風アメリカ料理TEX-MEX(テックス・メックス)の代表料理だが、おそらく日本のステーキのルーツはテキサス発祥のファヒータをイメ...ージしたのではなかろうか? というわけで、本場アメリカのステーキを食べるには外資系チェーンに頼るしかない・・・ 日本にも上陸したアメリカのステーキハウスチェーン OUTBACK STEAK HOUSE(アウトバック・ステーキハウス)池袋店へ! 池袋店が出来るまでは六本木まで足をのばしていたが、池袋店のオープンで練馬区民にとってアメリカがぐんと近くなった! ・・・池袋店は2回目! すでに家でビールを飲んできたのでマルガリータをオーダー! GOLD COAST'RITA(ゴールド・コースト・リタ)のリタはMargarita(マルガリータ)の略称! OUTBACKオリジナルレシピは甘すぎずなかなかウマい! フローズン・マルガリータでオーダー(ロックも可)! もちろんアメリカ式なのでパンは無料でサーブされお代わり自由! パンはほのかな甘みがウマいHoney Bread (ハニー・ブレッド)外はカリッと香ばしさがあり中はおどろくほど柔らかくふんわり!! アメリカのアペタイザーの定番! POPCORN SHRIMP(ポップコーンシュリンプ) 衣をつけてプリプリに揚がった海老ちゃんにはピりっとスパイシーな特製シーズニングスパイスが病みつき! CHILI CHEESE FRIES(チリチーズ・フライ) フレンチフライに2種類のシュレッダーチーズとホームメイドのウマいチリがたっぷり! これぞアメリカンジャンクフードの王道! 酒が進み、ゴールドコースト・リタをお代わり! さて、メインはもちろんお目当てのステーキをオーダー! ANGUS RIBEYE STEAK(アンガス・リブアイステーキ)・・・たっぷり13oz(370g)のステーキ! メインのステーキには本日のスープ or サラダ(ハウス or シーザー) 付き! Cheasar Salad(シーザーサラダ)で! さらに付け合せのサイドメニューが2種類選べるのもアメリカと全く同じスタイル! (バターライス・マッシュポテト・フレンチフライ・ベイクドポテト・コールスロー・温野菜) ベイクドポテトはホクホクに焼いたポテトにサワークリーム・チーズ・ベーコン・チャイブ(青ネギに似た)をトッピングしたステーキハウス定番のLoaded Baked Potato(ローデッドベイクドポテト) そしてColeslaw(コールスロー) ! この一見雑な保存食的なサラダのColeslawだが、その歴史は古代ローマの時代まで遡るという!! 日本ではリブロースとして知られるRibeyeは脂が程よく入っているので日本人好み! 定番メニューのリブアイステーキの他に期間限のアンガスビーーフを使った高級バージョンのリブアイステーキ! 肉質は想像よりも柔らかくてジューシー! ハニーブレッド のパンはウマいから4個目のお代わりして満腹! チェーン店とはいえ、日本でも本場アメリカのステーキが気軽に味わえるのはありがたい!

Visited August 2015

Welwyn, United Kingdom

“Good western food, facilities a little tired!”

Reviewed 06/Jul/2016

After 2 weeks on Tokyo Japanese meals, we needed to eat a good steak and so visited this Outback. it opens at 5.00pm and is accessed by elevator on Floor 7 of the building We received a warm welcome and the waitress spoke excellent English. The steaks (2300 to 2900 yen) were on the expensive side fo...r this type of restaurant, but were perfectly cooked There was a good beer and wine selection by carafe or bottle. the only downside was the carpet and furniture had seen better days!

Visited July 2016

Crib Point

“Great steak. ”

Reviewed 05/Mar/2016

Great little out of the way steak house, 2nd floor overlooking a busy intersection. As usual in j-land good steak is not cheap but here the cuts are good and cooked well. There is no english menu but there was a ckeeky young waitress that spoke english well enough to guide us through. If you see th...is place, give it a try.

Visited February 2016

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Saturday & Sunday & Holiday 12:00 - 22:00(L.O.21:00)( )
Monday - Thursday 17:00 - 22:00(L.O.21:00)
Friday 17:00 - 22:30(L.O.21:30)


Irregular holidays

Average price

Dinner: 2,500 JPY

Service Offer

  • English menu available
  • English speaking staff available
  • All you can drink menu

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