Reviews List
English Reviews (Reviews Total Language : 4 reviews)
“上品な上海料理 Sophisticated Shanhai cuisine”
洗練された料理は、一流ホテルレベルです。おすすめは、上海蟹ミソと豆腐の煮込み、インゲンと豚細切りの激辛炒め、とろとろの杏仁豆腐、角煮と中華パンなど。ワインも充実していて手頃な価格。特にスパークリングが良い。2階の洋食スプリングは同経営。 Sophisticated cuisine is a first class hotel level. Recommendations are Shanghai crab miso and tofu, greenbeans and pork slices of spicy sauce, annin-tofu, boiled pork and Chinese Wine is fulfilling and affordable. Especially sparkling wine is good. The second floor Western food Spring is the same management.
Visited February 2018