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兵庫県産 蕪の炭火焼き 鯛のみぞれあんかけ
Charcoal-grilled turnip from Hyogo Prefecture with sleet sauce of sea bream
富山県産 氷見(ひみ)の寒ぶり焼き霜造り
Grilled yellowtail from Himi, Toyama prefecture
大分県産 本マグロ赤身と中トロの明石産海苔巻き
Tuna(lean and medium fatty)from oita prefecture wrapped in Akashi's premium seaweed
北海道産 麦豚ロースの炭焼き 完熟トマトと野菜のソース
Charcoal-grilled pork loin from Hokkaido with fully ripe tomato souce
長野県産 長芋と舞茸のすり流し
pureed soup of chinese yam and maitake mushroom.
国産黒毛和牛 鹿児島黒牛サーロインの炭焼き
Charcoal-grilled Kagoshima Wagyu sirloin
兵庫県産 香住がにとかに味噌の冷製カッペリーニ
cappellini of crab and crab miso from Kasumi, Hyogo prefecture
宮城県産 鰆(さわら)の炭焼き
Charcoal-grilled mackerel from Miyagi Prefecture
長時間ローストした旨味たっぷりの淡路島産 玉ねぎ
Slow-roasted Awaji Island onion,rich in umami
石川県産 加賀蓮根の天ぷら
Tempura Kaga Lotus root from Ishikawa
淡路島産 キスの天ぷら
Tempura sand borner from Awaji Island
兵庫県産 熟成人参の天ぷら
Tenpura carot from Hyogo prefecture
出汁巻きたまごの天ぷら いくらのせ
Tempura Japanese omlet topped with salmon roe
兵庫県産 六甲シャンピニオン
Tempura mushrooms(Rokko Champignon)from Hyogo
鮑(abalone)の天ぷら パルメジャーノがけ
Tempura Abalone with parmesan
兵庫県産 丹波黒どりのつみれ汁
Tamba black chiken soup from Hyogo prefecture
千葉県産 大ハマグリの炭直火焼き
Charcoal-grilled large clam from Chiba prefecture
三重県産 鰻と明石産焼き海苔の手巻き
Mille-feuille of eel and rice with ochazuke and pickled vegetables
国産黒毛和牛 鹿児島黒牛のすき焼きと龍の卵
Kagoshima Wagyu sirloin sukiyaki with "Dragon Egg"
Grilled shiratama(rice flour dumpling)and vanilla ice cream with matcha anmitsu(sweet red bean paste)
* Ingredients listed are representative and may not include everything in the dish.Additional ingredients may be used. Depending on season and availability, ingredients may change.
* Photos shown are for illustration purpose only.
* Price per person
* The price is in Japanese Yen (JPY)
Multiple Language Conversion System is Gurunavi's original system protected by patents (Japan Patent No. 5898365, No. 5952479)