完全個室居酒屋 もつ鍋×日本酒 Moga_Ru モガル 静岡駅店

Kanzenkoshitsuizakaya MotsunabeMoga_Ru Shizuokaekimae

  • Credit Card
  • Private Room
  • Izakaya (Japanese Style Pub)
  • Dinner 3,000 JPY
  • 054-204-1569 (+81-54-204-1569)
  • Dinner: 17:00 - 24:00(L.O.23:00, Drink L.O. 23:30)
  • Shizuoka(Shizuoka)
    JR Shizuoka Station North Exit 5-minute walk

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Offal hotpot (soy sauce flavor)

Beef or pork organ meats stewed with vegetables in a hotpot with a soy sauce broth.

  • Ingredients: Beef organ meat, Pork organ
  • Flavor: Soy sauce, Dashi
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Udon with raw seaweed

Udon topped with raw seaweed.

  • Ingredients: Raw seaweed, Ginger, Udon
  • Cooking: Boil

tax included


Zousui (rice soup)

Flavored with soy sauce, miso, and other seasoning, rice simmered with various ingredients.

  • Ingredients: Rice, Whitebait
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Offal hotpot (spicy miso flavor)

Beef or pork organ meats stewed with vegetables in a hotpot with a chili bean and miso broth.

  • Ingredients: Beef organ meat, Pork organ
  • Flavor: Miso, Chinese chili bean sauce, Dashi, Red pepper
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included



Meat and various vegetables simmered, placed in a soup flavored with seasonings, and poured over rice.

  • Ingredients: Chicken, Garlic chives, Scallion/Green onion/Leek, Carrot, Rice, Hen's egg
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Wheat noodles

Dough made with wheat flour, water and salt etc. Thinly sliced and boiled.

  • Ingredients: Udon
  • Cooking: Boil

tax included


Offal hotpot (miso flavor)

Beef or pork organ meats stewed with vegetables in a hotpot with a miso broth.

  • Ingredients: Beef organ meat, Pork organ
  • Flavor: Dashi, White miso
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Champon noodles (only noodles)

tax included


Cheese risotto

Rice fried in butter and cooked in wine and broth, and then mixed with cheese.

  • Ingredients: Rice, Cheese
  • Flavor: Butter
  • Cooking: Stew

tax included


Wheat noodles as Carbonara-style

Udon noodles mixed with a sauce prepared from stir-fried bacon, egg, cheese, and milk.

  • Ingredients: Hen's egg, Bacon, Udon, Cheese, Milk
  • Cooking: Boil

tax included


Assorted grilled skewers, 8 kinds

Platter of 8 kinds of meat, vegetables and other cut into bite sized pieces and threaded onto skewers, grilled on an open flame.

  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Assorted grilled skewers

Platter of various kinds of grilled skewers.

  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled Japanese leek

  • Ingredients: Japanese leek
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included

胡麻カンパチ ネギまみれ

Sesame-flavored amberjack

Amberjack sashimi flavored with sesame oil, soy sauce, and mirin: a regional dish of Fukuoka prefecture.

  • Ingredients: Greater amberjack, Scallion/Green onion/Leek
  • Flavor: Soy sauce, Sesame
  • Cooking: Raw

tax included


Chicken gizzard with grated daikon and ponzu

Gizzard over daikon dressed with Japanese citrus and soy sauce.

  • Ingredients: Chicken gizzard
  • Flavor: Ponzu
  • Cooking: Dress

tax included


Smashed cucumber salad

Cucumber crushed with a pestle and dressed with seasoning.

  • Ingredients: Cucumber
  • Cooking: Dress

tax included


Boiled peanuts

  • Ingredients: Peanut
  • Flavor: Salt
  • Cooking: Boil

tax included


Nakaochi (tuna rib) scrape on the bone

Part of the tuna that remains around the main bones after filets have been removed. Scrape the fresh off the bones using the provided spoon.

  • Ingredients: Tuna

tax included


Steamed Chicken

A dish of salted chicken, green onion, and ginger steamed together in Japanese sake.

  • Ingredients: Chicken, Japanese yam
  • Cooking: Steam

tax included


Leek salad

  • Ingredients: Scallion/Green onion/Leek, Wood ear mushroom
  • Cooking: Mix/Blend, Cut

tax included


Daikon and baby sardines salad

Baby sardines, daikon radish and vegetables served together.

  • Ingredients: Daikon radish, Whitebait

tax included


Potato salad

  • Ingredients: Carrot, Potato, Crab miso paste
  • Cooking: Mix/Blend

tax included


Grilled Saikyo miso cream cheese

Cream cheese pickled in a pickling bed made with Saikyo miso and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Cream cheese
  • Flavor: Kyoto-style miso
  • Cooking: Pickle, Bake/Roast

tax included


Japanese-style rolled omelet

A dish of beaten egg mixed with 'dashi' stock and cooked while simultaneously wrapping.

  • Ingredients: Hen's egg
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included

山芋竜田揚げ タルタルソース添え

Marinated deep-fried Japanese yam with pickled plum and grated daikon radish

Seasoned Japanese yam battered with potato starch, deep-fried and served with pickled plum and grated daikon radish.

  • Ingredients: Japanese yam, Potato starch
  • Flavor: Tartar sauce
  • Cooking: Deep-fry

tax included


"Taki" gyoza

Dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables, etc. served in broth.

  • Ingredients: Ground pork, Garlic, Dumpling wrappers
  • Cooking: Steam

tax included


Tuna cut into chunks

Tuna cut into chunks, served with tare sauce.

  • Ingredients: Tuna
  • Cooking: Dress

tax included


Anchovy and potato

A dish made from anchovy (a pickled small fish) and potato

  • Ingredients: Potato, Anchovy
  • Cooking: Stir-fry

tax included


Cabbage with miso

A dish of cabbage served with miso.

  • Ingredients: Cabbage, Sesame
  • Flavor: Miso

tax included

地元名物!静岡おでん 5種

Assorted oden, 5 kinds

Platter of 5 kinds of oden.

  • Flavor: Dashi
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Oden chazuke (shaved dry kelp or Nanko pickled plum)

Oden broth poured over rice topped with shaved dry kelp or Nanko pickled plum.

  • Ingredients: Rice, Tororo kelp, Pickled plum paste
  • Flavor: Dashi
  • Cooking: Cover/Add

tax included


Udon with creamy broth and spicy cod roe

Udon stewed together with cream sauce-based broth and topped with spicy cod roe.

  • Ingredients: Marinated cod roe, Udon, Kimchi
  • Flavor: Dashi, Cream sauce
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included


Yakisoba noodle omelet

  • Ingredients: Cabbage, Carrot, Hen's egg, Ham, Yakisoba
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Sautéed ground chicken rice bowl

Rice bowl topped with sautéed ground chicken.

  • Ingredients: Ground chicken, Rice
  • Cooking: Simmer

tax included



Italian confection prepared from sponge cake soaked in coffee or espresso, then layered alternately with cream containing mascarpone cheese.

  • Ingredients: Hen's egg, Cookie, Fresh cream, Cream cheese, Gelatin
  • Flavor: Matcha powder
  • Cooking: Chill

tax included


Crema catalana

Custard flavored with citrus fruit rinds, chilled, and then caramelized.

  • Ingredients: Egg yolk, Fresh cream
  • Flavor: Custard sauce, Vanilla beans
  • Cooking: Harden/Congeal, Chill

tax included


Vanilla ice cream

  • Ingredients: Hen's egg, Milk
  • Flavor: Vanilla essence
  • Cooking: Freeze

tax included


Assorted grilled skewers, 8 kinds

Platter of 8 kinds of meat, vegetables and other cut into bite sized pieces and threaded onto skewers, grilled on an open flame.

  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Assorted grilled chicken skewers

Platter of various chicken cuts skewered and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Chicken
  • Flavor: Salt, Sauce for chicken skewer
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Pork wrapped tomato skewer

Tomato wrapped with pork, skewered, and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Tomato
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Pork wrapped asparagus skewer

Asparagus wrapped with pork, skewered, and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Asparagus
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled avocado skewer

Bite-sized cut avocado skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Avocado, Cream cheese, Pork
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Pork wrapped green pepper and cheese skewer

Green pepper and cheese wrapped in pork, skewered and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Green pepper, Cheese
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped okra skewer

Okra is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Okra
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled and skewered green onions wrapped in pork

Green onions are wrapped in pork, skewered, and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Scallion/Green onion
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped Japanese yam and shiso skewer

Japanese yam and shiso are wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Japanese yam
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork wrapped lettuce skewer

Lettuce wrapped with thinly-sliced pork, skewered and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Lettuce
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped Japanese quail egg skewer

Japanese quail egg is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Japanese quail egg
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled and skewered green onions wrapped in pork

Green onions are wrapped in pork, skewered, and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Japanese leek
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped okonomiyaki skewer

Okonomiyaki is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Wheat flour
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped soft-boiled egg skewer

Soft-boiled egg is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Hen's egg
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled beef-wrapped sukiyaki skewer

Ingredients such as meat, seafood, and vegetables simmered in soy sauce and sugar until sweet and salty are wrapped in beef, skewered, and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Beef
  • Flavor: Sugar, Soy sauce
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped camembert cheese skewer

Camembert cheese is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Camembert cheese
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Eggplant skewer

Bite-sized eggplant skewered and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Eggplant, Pork
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork-wrapped shiso skewer

Shiso is wrapped in pork and skewered, then grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Pork, Perilla
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included



Ground meat or seafood etc. mixed with other ingredients and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Ground chicken
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Grilled chicken thigh skewer

Bite-sized chicken thigh pieces skewered and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Chicken thigh
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Negima (green onion pieces and chicken)

A dish of bite-sized pieces of grilled chicken and green onion on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Chicken thigh, Japanese leek
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Grilled chicken tenderloin skewers

Chicken tenderloin cut into a bite-size, threaded on skewers and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Chicken tenderloin
  • Flavor: Plum and shiso, Grated wasabi
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included



A dish of grilled liver on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Beef liver, Chicken liver
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Grilled beef small intestine skewer topped with kimchi

Marucho (beef small intestine) is skewered and grilled over an open flame, then topped with kimchi.

  • Ingredients: Beef small intestine, Kimchi
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included



A dish of grilled chicken heart on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Chicken heart
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled gizzard skewer

A dish of spit-roasted seasoned gizzards (a portion of a chicken's stomach) on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Chicken gizzard
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Chicken skin skewer

Bite-sized chicken skin skewered and grilled over an open flame.

  • Ingredients: Chicken skin
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Bonjiri (chicken tailbone meat)

A dish of bite-sized pieces of chicken coccyx on a stick.

  • Ingredients: Chicken tail
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included

アンガス牛イチボ どっさりネギ串

Grilled beef skewer

Bite-size beef threaded on skewers and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Beef, Black angus beef, Scallion/Green onion/Leek
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled skewered beef sagari (hanging tender)

Bite-size beef sagari (cow's diaphragm) skewered and fire-grilled.

  • Ingredients: Beef hanging tender, Grated daikon radish
  • Flavor: Ponzu
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included


Grilled pork jowl skewer

A bite-size cut pork jowl meat called tontoro skewered and grilled.

  • Ingredients: Fatty pork
  • Flavor: Spicy miso
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included



A dish of spit-roasted ginkgo nuts on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Ginkgo nut
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Shishito green pepper

A dish of spit-roasted shishito green peppers on a skewer.

  • Ingredients: Shishito pepper
  • Cooking: Bake/Roast

tax included


Grilled Shiitake Skewers

  • Ingredients: Shiitake
  • Cooking: Skewer roasting

tax included

*Ingredients listed are representative and may not include everything in the dish.Additional ingredients may be used. Depending on season and availability, ingredients may change.

*Photos shown are for illustration purpose only.

*Price may vary.

* The price is in Japanese Yen (JPY)

Multiple Language Conversion System is Gurunavi's original system protected by patents (Japan Patent No. 5898365, No. 5952479)



Dinner: 17:00 - 24:00(L.O.23:00, Drink L.O. 23:30)


Irregular holidays

Average price

Dinner: 3,000 JPY

Service Offer

  • All you can eat menu
  • All you can drink menu

You can check the restaurant information in the phone.

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