

  • Wi-Fi
  • Non-Smoking
  • Italian Cuisine,Pizza
  • Lunch 1,200 JPY Dinner 2,500 JPY
  • 0237-53-1320 (+81-237-53-1320)
  • 9:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00), Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00)
  • Tendo / Higashine / Obanazawa(Yamagata)
    JR Sakurambo-Higashine Station 10-minute walk

Restaurant Detail

Address 1-7-3, Chuominami, Higashine-shi, Yamagata, 999-3730
Japanese Address

〒999-3730 山形県東根市中央南1-7-3

Access JR Sakurambo-Higashine Station 10-minute walk, JR Jimmachi Station 28-minute walk
Phone Number +81-237-53-1320
Hours 9:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00), Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00)
Close 2nd Monday 4th Monday
Average price Lunch 1,200 JPY Dinner 2,500 JPY
For business names, representatives or business managers, and contact information, please contact the store.

Seating/Facility information

Seating Capacity 30
Banquet Maximum Party Size Seating 25
Standing 35
Reservation Maximum Party Size 15 - 25
Smoking Smoking is prohibited inside the store. Smoking is allowed outside and outside the store
Wheelchair Accessible Restrooms Wheelchair accessible
Wi-Fi / Plug-in Free Wi-Fi Spot
Plug-in Available

Menu and Others information

Infection prevention


Updated on November 15, 2023

Dining rooms and equipments disinfected
Tables disinfected between guests
Sanitizers available to guests and staff
Ventilation for dining room
Socially distanced dining tables and chairs
Using cash trays when guests pay
Wash hands, sanitizing, and gargling required for staff


*Infection prevention are provided by the shop and are not checked by Gurunavi for accuracy.



9:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00), Lunch: 11:30 - 14:00 , Dinner: 17:00 - 21:30(L.O.20:00)


2nd Monday 4th Monday

Average price

Lunch: 1,200 JPY
Dinner: 2,500 JPY

You can check the restaurant information in the phone.

QR Code links to Homepage

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