Anchor Point

  • クレジットカード
  • 個室
  • 禁煙
  • 英語メニュー有り
  • 英語対応可
  • ステーキ
  • ランチ 1,800 円 ディナー 7,000 円
  • 03-3263-8378 (+81-3-3263-8378)
  • 11:30~22:00(L.O.21:00、ドリンクL.O.21:30)
  • 永田町(東京都)
    地下鉄銀座線 赤坂見附駅 D出口 徒歩5分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:16 件)

Carrickfergus, United Kingdom

“Lovely meal”


Excellent meal in this lovely restaurant. For the main we had sirloin and lamb. Both were cooked over an open flame which gave it a great taste. The staff were all very friendly and helpful. At about £60, including drinks, I felt it offered great value for money

April 2024に訪問

Jeremy B
Setagaya, Japan

“Disappointed ”


Upon entering Anchor point, I felt that we were entering quite a classy restaurant. The floor to ceiling windows bringing in huge amount of natural light combined with the high ceiling and tasty decor, one can be excused for thinking they are in a classy establishment. Unfortunately we were soon b...rought back to reality with the food with was relativity tasteless. The salad for starter had not taste at all and I couldn’t finish it despite it being a rabbit portion, I opted for the spinach omelette which was accompanied by a frankfurter. The cheese plate came without any bread or biscuits. That said, the price was very reasonable, and they do sell IPA, so I can’t be too critical - just with a good chef and better menu, this place could be so much more.

December 2018に訪問

Kasia Z

“Worst service and overpriced food”


We decided to go to Anchor Point for Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, the whole experience was awful! We got seated and after 1/2 hr we finally asked if they are going to bring us menu! Once we ordered the wine, we waited another 15 min to be able to order food. And then, we got the wine, but then w...e waited and waited some more for the food. Our friend speaks Japanese, so she was able to ask them where the food was - they brought us a piece of roll. Finally, the salads came - they were ok , nothing special, but edible. Next, we waited for our entrees. Again, we had to ask where they were since, another 1/2 hr passed and there was no sign of them! Finally, the dinner came - the smallest and most expensive lamb chops ever and they were way too salty. I love well seasoned food, but this was too much! Only one of the side-dished appeared - two stalks of asparagus - i was expecting them to be at least great flavor and crispy for the price, but it was bland and mushy. We were still very hungry, but finally, decided not to wait for the other side-dishes, we weren't sure how long this is going to take and cancelled the order. As we were paying for this awful experience a waiter brought the last two side-dishes, neatless to say, we were not interested in them. The manager tried to apologize, but it was too late for an apology - we were raising our concerns to him through out the meal, so if he truly wanted to make it better, he had prior opportunities. It's a shame, because, i liked the decor of this place and the idea of outside seating comes Spring, but now, I know to avoid this place like a plague.

December 2016に訪問

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ランチ: 1,800 円
ディナー: 7,000 円


  • 英語メニューあり
  • 英語を話せるスタッフがいる
  • 飲み放題メニューあり


