Our restaurant offers traditional and prestigious Kyoto kaiseki cuisine, a refined form of Japanese cuisine.
To prepare a room suitable for this cuisine, we renovated a nearly 100-year-old Kyoto townhouse.Although there are various types of every guest.
Please relax and enjoy your time while feeling the flow of history.
--About cooking--
The fish we use at our shop are caught in the calm and nutrient-rich Seto Inland Sea.
We use locally grown vegetables, which are highly regarded in Japan, from either Kyoto or Niigata Prefecture’s traditional vegetables.
The meat is the highest quality Japanese black wagyu produced in Miyazaki Prefecture or Kagoshima Prefecture, which are known for their production of black wagyu cattle.
We combine these ingredients with traditional cooking methods.
We add color, shape, and flavor to it, breathing new life into the dish.
--About the room--
The street where our shop is located has historically been a gathering place for kimono shops, and our building originally served as a kimono store specializing in Nishijin weaving.
As a result, the structure of this building was designed for selling kimonos and for the family to live in.
Fifteen years ago, we renovated this building to preserve its history as much as possible.
For example, there are rooms with views of Japanese gardens or rooms where the fabric of the installed sofa is made from Nishijin weaving.In addition, you will be able to feel the history in the appearance of the building, as well as in the thick beams and pillars, fusuma and shoji screens, earthen floors, and tatami mats inside the building.
--About tableware--
The Kyo-yaki and Kutani-yaki that we use in our shop are from one of the traditional pottery production areas that still exist in Japan.
Kyo-yaki has developed alongside cha-kaiseki (tea ceremony cuisine) and Kyoto cuisine.
Kutani-yaki originates from Ishikawa Prefecture and was historically presented as offerings to the imperial family and shogunate. During the Meiji period, it was exported to Europe as an art form, so some people may be familiar with it.
Commemorate your trip to Kyoto with a truly Japanese dining experience.
住所 |
〒604-0022 京都府京都市中京区室町御池上ル御池之町308 |
アクセス | 地下鉄烏丸線 烏丸御池駅 2番出口 徒歩2分, 地下鉄東西線 烏丸御池駅 2番出口 徒歩2分, 阪急京都線 烏丸駅 徒歩13分, 地下鉄東西線 二条城前駅 徒歩9分 |
駐車場 | 駐車場なし |
電話番号 | +81-75-211-2513 |
営業時間 |
月~日・祝前日・祝日 ランチ:12:00~14:00 月~日・祝前日・祝日 ディナー:17:30~23:00(L.O.19:30、ドリンクL.O.22:00) |
定休日 |
不定休日あり |
平均予算 | ランチ 7,000 円 ディナー 9,000 円 |
サービス料金 | サービス料金 お料理のご利用のない方(お子様も含む) 500円, チャージ料金 なし |
支払方法 |
<クレジットカード> VISA, MasterCard, JCB, アメリカン・エキスプレス, ダイナースクラブ, MUFG, UC, DC, NICOS, UFJ, セゾン, アプラス, J-DEBIT |
事業者名、代表者または業務責任者及び連絡先につきましては店舗へお問い合わせください。 |
総席数 | 32 |
宴会最大人数 |
着席時 20 |
個室 | 個室あり |
喫煙 | 店内全面禁煙( 店外・屋外に喫煙スペース有り) |
お子様連れ | お子様メニューあり |
携帯・Wi-Fi・電源 | 楽天モバイル, au, ソフトバンク, NTT ドコモ |
メニューのサービス | 飲み放題メニューあり, ランチメニューあり |
ランチタイムのサービス | デザート付きランチ |
ドレスコード | カジュアル |
感染症の予防 FAQ2022年5月5日時点の情報です |
連絡事項 |
体調不良のお客様は入店をお断りする場合があります 混雑時に入店制限をする場合があります |