松阪牛・黒毛和牛と完全個室・記念日『焼肉やまと 船橋本店』

  • クレジットカード
  • 個室
  • 禁煙
  • 英語メニュー有り
  • 英語対応可
  • 焼肉,居酒屋
  • ランチ 1,600 円 ディナー 6,000 円
  • 047-422-4129 (+81-47-422-4129)
  • 月~金 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:00、ドリンクL.O.21:30)、ランチ:11:00~14:00 土・日・祝 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:00、ドリンクL.O.21:30)、ランチ:11:00~15:00
  • 船橋・西船橋(千葉県)
    JR 船橋駅 北口 徒歩10分





英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:64 件)

Sydney, Australia

“Very tasty meat and sauce ”


Upon entry the shelves are littered with lots of awards and accomplishments so straight away you know the meat is of a high quality. The waiters and waitresses were very helpful and helped us along with our limited Japanese skills. The BBQ in the centre of the table is immediately turned on and thi...s is where your fine cuts of raw meat will be self cooked. Upon opening the menu you will be greeted with an array of meats, marinated and prepared in various ways. The animal cutting diagrams are also displayed so you will know which part of the cow or pig you will be consuming. The photos of the choices are excellently displayed but they appear quite large in the photos. My 3 stars unfortunately goes to the portion of the servings, the meat was extremely tasty and it is cut to perfection but had there been some more meat offered on each plate it would have adequately deserved the pricing. The cuts are delicious and the sauce that it is accompanied with is incredible but there just isn't enough to get that completely satisfied feeling. It is pricey but the quality in the meats and cuts make it justified but the portions is the only thing lacking at this place. Surprisingly the vegetables that accompany the meats are delicious and taste great off the hot plate. We did spy a family next to us that had a large vegetable bowl with some meats, that was large and looked good. Perhaps that would have been a good side dish for the meats and to satisfy us.

July 2016に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~金 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:00、ドリンクL.O.21:30)、ランチ:11:00~14:00
土・日・祝 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:00、ドリンクL.O.21:30)、ランチ:11:00~15:00




ランチ: 1,600 円
ディナー: 6,000 円


  • 英語メニューあり
  • 中国語(簡体字)メニューあり
  • 中国語(繁体字)メニューあり
  • 韓国語メニューあり
  • 英語を話せるスタッフがいる
  • 飲み放題メニューあり


