NOBU TOKYO(ノブ トウキョウ)

  • クレジットカード
  • Wi-Fi
  • 個室
  • 禁煙
  • 英語メニュー有り
  • 英語対応可
  • 郷土料理,すし・魚料理 その他,創作料理
  • ランチ 5,000 円 ディナー 15,000 円
  • 050-3145-0011 (+81-50-3145-0011)
  • 月~日 ランチ:11:30~13:45 月~日 ディナー:17:30~21:00
  • 神谷町(東京都)
    地下鉄日比谷線 神谷町駅 徒歩6分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:370 件)

Cancun, Mexico

“The worst experience of my life”


I’ve been in almost all Nobu restaurants from NY to Dubai. If there is a Nobu restaurant in town it was a must stop for me and my wife.. until now.. sadly The good : reservation process is fast and smooth .. the restaurant looks nice and neat. Hostess welcomed us and introduced our waiter.. who wa...s really nice and even recommended a japanese whisky .. really good ! We went to the omakase option The bad: When my wife asked for a sake we were ready to have a toast when se almost puke and told me .. please smell the glass.. I cant describe the smell the glass had.. it was like rotten eggs or something like that .. really disgusting.. Japanese are not really good at english so it was really dificult to tell them .. i just told to the waiter.. please smell this.. she was astonish.. her face was like omg.. she said i really sorry and just Run to the kitchen.. You would expect that at least a manager or someone would present a formal apology but nothing happened. The food was below average.. souless and tasteless.. Im really really disapointed and i hope this doesnt happen to anyone. If you are in tokyo area there are far more tasteful restaurants than this. Its by far the worst experience i have had in my Life.

May 2024に訪問

London, United Kingdom

“A wonderful evening”


We chose Nobu for dinner on our last evening in Japan…we were not disappointed. We were welcomed warmly, the service was excellent, attentive and informative. They catered without hesitation or fault with my seafood allergy and all our food was delicious, of the highest quality and beautifully pres...ented. Our wine choice was pretty nice too! We couldn’t recommend Nobu Tokyo enough.

April 2024に訪問

zahra e
Karachi, Pakistan

“Not the best meal in Tokyo!”


After 8 days of fabulous Japanese food, NOBU Tokyo was our worst dinner. Food felt over spiced and the freshness of ingredients did not come through. My introduction to Japanese food was NOBU but now after having authentic fresh Japanese live prepped meals NOBU Tokyo just didn’t do it for me!

April 2024に訪問

Fatima A
Kuwait City, Kuwait

“Disappointing experience and customer service at Nobu Tokyo”


I was initially impressed with Nobu Tokyo during my last visit 7 years ago, but my recent experience has left me thoroughly disappointed. Despite my previous positive encounter, my recent planned visit with a group of 10 turned out to be a complete disaster even prior to attending. Upon booking, we... were asked to pre-order our meals to expedite the process since its a big number of people. Fair enough, I thought, wanting to accommodate the restaurant’s request. However, my plans took an unexpected turn when I fell ill on the same day of our reservation. Sensing that I wouldn’t be able to make it, I promptly called to cancel one person from our group (myself), a full four hours before our scheduled time. To my shock and dismay, Nobu Tokyo proceeded to charge me the full amount for the canceled meal, totaling a whopping 19,300 yen. Their explanation? They claimed that since the food had already been prepared, it would go to waste if not served, hence the charge. This excuse left me utterly perplexed and dissatisfied. Are they suggesting that they serve pre-made food, reheated and possibly not fresh? Or is this simply a ploy to justify borderline extortion by charging for a meal that was never consumed? The lack of flexibility and understanding in this situation is truly disappointing. While I had initially enjoyed my previous experience at Nobu Tokyo, this recent encounter has left a sour taste in my mouth. I expected better from a restaurant of such repute and will certainly think twice before considering another visit.

April 2024に訪問

Wellington, New Zealand

“A wonderful food experience!”


Brilliant food and service! The seafood was wonderful and the accompanying sake absolutely delicious! The coconut sorbet was beautifully presented and a delicious dessert!

September 2023に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~日 ランチ:11:30~13:45
月~日 ディナー:17:30~21:00




ランチ: 5,000 円
ディナー: 15,000 円


  • 英語メニューあり
  • 英語を話せるスタッフがいる
  • ベジタリアンメニューご相談


