マークマツオカグリル 中目黒 (Mark Matsuoka Grill)

  • クレジットカード
  • Wi-Fi
  • 英語メニュー有り
  • 英語対応可
  • スペインバル・イタリアンバール,パーティールーム・スペース,イタリアン(イタリア料理)
  • ランチ 1,200 円 ディナー 3,500 円
  • 03-6451-2922 (+81-3-6451-2922)
  • 月~日・祝前日・祝日 11:00~23:00(L.O.22:00、ドリンクL.O.22:00)
  • 中目黒(東京都)
    JR 恵比寿駅 徒歩10分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:24 件)

Vancouver, Canada

“Very delicious beef with great service”


We went to Nakameguro to check out the river with the Sakura trees but unfortunately they have not yet bloomed (March 27, 2024). It was time for lunch and we walked along the river and came across Mark Matsuoka Grill. There were only some pictures (without prices) up front so I went in and the somme...lier was very friendly and quickly got me a menu to peruse. We liked what we saw and thought we give it a try. The sommelier's English was very good and he was very friendly and welcoming. I had the hamburg steak (japanese wagyu) with a little bit of sauteed spinach and a grape tomato and a plate of rice for 1700 yen. The husband and son each had the double patty hamburger platter with very crispy fries and a small sake cup of wagyu beef bone broth for 2000 yen each. My hamburg steak was very juicy and cooked with a little bit pink in the center which after 5 mins on the hot iron grill, it was no longer pink. The onion demi glace was divine! (i think it must have been made with beef bones!!!) The hamburger was a good size and the beef tasted like sirloin and the sauce was delicious. Not sure if the sauce is a bearnaise or thousand island but it was very tasty. The fries were also quite crispy. Each hamburger platter also came with a small sake sized cup of wagyu beef bone broth. Each hamburger platter is 2000 yen. We also shared a caesar salad for 1200 yen. The greens were fresh but the caesar dressing fell a little short as it wasn't as tasty as North American house made caesar. As for drinks, I had a glass of the house white (new zealand sauvignon blanc) for 900 yen...very floral, crispy, and light. My son had a glass of the Sakura sour for 1000 yen and it was a carbonated drink that was very pretty with real sakura flowers int he glass. Total bill for 3 entrees with a salad and 2 drinks came to 9600 yen. We totally enjoyed our lunch as the food was very tasty and all the servers were friendly. The sommelier is especially friendly and welcoming. We will be back next year for another great meal at Mark Matsuoka Grill at Namameguro.

March 2024に訪問

Tokyo, Japan

“Very nice lunch on the terrace”


Very nice lunch on the terrace by the river. Excellent steak salad that had all sorts of vegetables in it and delicious steak.

May 2021に訪問

Kenneth O
Greensboro, North Carolina

“Very nice beef and wine restaurant”


Great food and wine at a very nice location on the banks of Meguro river in Nakameguro. Grilled meat and good wines but also have other dishes. Great service with friendly staff. Probably have the best ribs in Tokyo

July 2020に訪問

Bangkok, Thailand

“Comfort food with lovely view”


The restaurant is just along the Meguro River’s bank. Good food and variety of drinks both alcohol and non alcohol. One of the best lattes I have in Tokyo.

April 2020に訪問

Barcelona, Spain

“Nice cafe ”


Trendy cafe in the middle of Naka Meguro-Ku. Not bad, lively and nice service. More international though, a nice please if you want to change from the authentic experience in a cool environment.

July 2019に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~日・祝前日・祝日 11:00~23:00(L.O.22:00、ドリンクL.O.22:00)




ランチ: 1,200 円
ディナー: 3,500 円


  • 英語メニューあり
  • 中国語(簡体字)メニューあり
  • 英語を話せるスタッフがいる
  • 中国語を話せるスタッフがいる
  • 飲み放題メニューあり


