西麻布 GORI

  • クレジットカード
  • ステーキ,ワイン,イタリアン(イタリア料理)
  • ランチ 2,000 円 ディナー 9,500 円
  • 03-6804-5835 (+81-3-6804-5835)
  • ランチ:12:00~15:00(L.O.14:30)、ディナー:18:00~24:00
  • 西麻布(東京都)
    地下鉄千代田線 乃木坂駅 5番出口 徒歩8分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:11 件)

Tokyo, Japan

“This is the Scene of a Gori Steak”


Lately I've been seeking out "hole in the wall" (Wagyu) steak places - if any more such places exist. My own most satisfactory experience with the burger / steakhouse near my parish church in Roppongi has convinced me they are there to be found. I'd heard about Gori (ゴリ GORI おすすめ ステーキ) and when the... chance came, did reservations and had their "Kampo" Dinner Course. I was expecting a good meal but boy oh boy I was simply gouged all gory ( *sorry, I couldn't resist* ) by how uniformly good it all was. I must make special mention of the "hormone" (tripe) dish - it was so good I literally slurped the plate clean. Now I'm not very much in on "hormone" (as nabe) but this was so good my lady friend gave me her serving (she was even more not into it than I was). The kaiseki style "tidbits" of the different "kampo" beef cuts were all so good - meatier ("akami') but oh so tasty. The fish dish was a nice interjection, and the four different cuts interspersed over the meal (from salad right through the main dish) was immensely satisfying. The rich dessert topped of a great evening. It was a late dinner so we took the smaller of the two dinner courses - I was then regretting not having more (I highly recommend it!!). Gori (ゴリ GORI おすすめ ステーキ) is no hole in the wall spot - in a Roppongi filled with the best New York steakhouses it's a small cozy cafe that serves great Japanese "kampo" beef that is sustainable and tasty, meticulously prepared but with a fresh, imaginative Italian twist. "I'll be back..."

May 2018に訪問

Koto, Japan

“Hands down THE BEST steak in town particularly for eco-conscious peeps!”


I am a repeat customer who has visited GORI more than 15 times. Here you get the best of two worlds, i.e., the finest beef or pork in the city while supporting farms that caretake the environment and the animals they raise in an ethical manner. You cannot get this quality of meat everyday elsewhere.... The animals are raised on Kampo (a mixture of different herbs and spices) which makes the meat very lean yet juicy, rich and flavorful. The restaurant offers organic wine and vegetables dishes too. Every dish on the small menu is a perfection. Pasta dishes are perfectly al dente. What's not apparent at first glance is the rare and select seafood dishes that the owner chef can prepare on request.

February 2017に訪問

Bangkok, Thailand

“Fantastic salad and meat ”


Their salad " Gori style" is one of the best salad at Tokyo. With many ingredients. Powerful and good for wine. They serve many kinds meat. From thick steak to innards. My favorite dish is " Menchi-katsu. Deep fried breaded minced beaf. They have reasonable nice wines, too.

May 2015に訪問

Paris, France

“Very good fusion French/ Japanese restaurant in Tokyo with organic food and wine!”


I went to the Gori restaurant for dinner with 2 Japanese friends who recommended me this recently opened restaurant. The food was really great: you can immediately recognize that each ingredient is picked carefully, for its taste and freshness. The fusion of cuisines works perfectly. And, very impor...tant for organic food lovers, all vegetables are organic; and they serve organic wine! If you are a cuisine lover, go for the bar so you can enjoy a talk with the Chef, "Gori". I'll definitely come back to this restaurant during my next visit to Tokyo!

July 2014に訪問

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ランチ: 2,000 円
ディナー: 9,500 円


