焼鳥 おみ乃

  • クレジットカード
  • 焼き鳥,串焼き
  • ディナー 8,000 円
  • 03-5619-1892 (+81-3-5619-1892)
  • 月~土 17:30~23:00
  • 押上(東京都)
    都営浅草線 押上(スカイツリー前)駅 A1番出口 徒歩3分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:16 件)

Barry Y
Fort McMurray, Canada

“Great food, but minimal interaction”


I booked this restaurant as I was not successful at getting a reservation at Torishiki. The chef at Omino was an apprentice at Torishiki. The restaurant was a sushi bar style place with about 16 seats. My fiancee and I were the only 2 foriegners all night and we were seated in the very corner...wo...rst seat in the house. This unfortunately is not uncommon, as the best seats are saved for guests that speaks Japanese. The restaurant had an English menu with not the greatest translations and you pretty much had to point at the menu to order anything. The meal was omakase style and the chef basically serves you until you say stop. Every piece we had was really good with my personal favorite being the soft cartilage. While my fiancee loved the chicken neck. Note this restaurant does serve rare chicken, so do not come here if you are not adventurous. The reason I'm not giving this restaurant 5 stars is because somehow due to the language barrier, when I tried to order a Sapporo, I ended up with a bowl of minced chicken on rice, which was great, but made me full, so I did not get to try a few pieces that I was really looking forward to, such as chicken skin, and chicken tail. Also the chicken wing here was not great, it was almost too meaty and the skin wasn't as crispy as I had wanted it to be. Overall it was a good high end Yakitori experience.

May 2019に訪問


“Star-rated chef”


If you are visiting Tokyo Skytree, dont bother with the chain restaurants, visit this place instead. The owner is very friendly and independent from one star michelin yakitori restaurant. The yakitori is juicy yet light, atmosphere makes for an enjoyable dining experience.

December 2017に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~土 17:30~23:00


毎週日曜日 祝日


ディナー: 8,000 円


