とんかつ 多酒多彩 地蔵

  • クレジットカード
  • 禁煙
  • とんかつ(トンカツ)
  • ランチ 1,000 円 ディナー 2,000 円
  • 03-3923-7939 (+81-3-3923-7939)
  • 11:30~22:00(L.O.21:30、ドリンクL.O.21:30)
  • 大泉学園(東京都)
    西武池袋線 大泉学園駅 徒歩1分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:26 件)

Pan P

“Let's try”


I found them after our Anime tour, we are so hungry and it's amazing. The tonkatsu is really good, my friend and I really love it.

April 2024に訪問

Patrick G
Dundalk, Ireland

“The best restaurant experience I had in my whole life!”


We have been to Nerima earlier this year. We were roaming the neighbourhood Oizumi Gakuen quite often and have noticed that there were a bunch of restaurants but that there was very often a queue at a certain one. I don`t about you but such things are making me curious. We were lucky and could find ...a day in which there wasn`t a queue at lunch time and went in. "We" meant in this case my wife, my 2 years old son and myself. An employee was so nice to assist with putting the stroller aside and has shown us our table. Our Japanese was near to known existing and nobody in this restaurant was able to speak much English but that didn`t matter. The menu had pictures to get an idea what you are getting and the employee has explained to us how to make the seasoning just by showing it to us. My son has gotten chopsticks and a fork. At some occasion he has dropped his fork and before we could get it from the ground the friendly man was standing already beside us with a new fork. The menu contains mostly shellfish. If you don`t like that kind of food you are at the wrong place. If you are in the mood for that, you are at decent place. For me and my wife it was just awesome and my son has eaten for the very first time rice (or anything) with a seasoning. He was at that point a very bad eater so we were surprised that he loved the food he has gotten. The man has left us at peace and hasn`t asked us if we needed something without being called. However, he was there once he has noticed that we were missing anything and we have received it on the spot. For me it is important to write this review because a restaurant like this needs to get the positive attention it deserves. I`ll for sure be coming back the next time I will be in Japan.

April 2016に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by






ランチ: 1,000 円
ディナー: 2,000 円


