
  • クレジットカード
  • 個室
  • 禁煙
  • 寿司
  • ディナー 10,000 円
  • 0138-57-8825 (+81-138-57-8825)
  • 月・火・木~日・祝前日・祝日 12:00~21:00(L.O.19:00、ドリンクL.O.19:00)
  • 函館(北海道)
    JR函館本線 函館駅 車15分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:74 件)

Honolulu, Hawaii

“Delicious and Affordable”


For about $40 US you can have a great sushi dinner here. Quality is better than those high end sushi restaurants in NYC or LA ( Those places usually charge about $350 / person) . It is great value and make sure to reserve a sushi counter for authentic experience. Sushi chief tells you how to eat eac...h piece so not to worry. If you are a group, there are private rooms available as well which I also recommend reservations for. Not too far from Yunokawa hot springs so if you are staying at one of the onsen hotels, you ca easily go there.

September 2018に訪問

Davey Y

“Best Sushi Ever”


I've been living in Japan since 2012, and this was among the top sushi meals I've ever had. The maguro and ika in particular were incredible. The service was also stellar, the atmosphere very nice, and the value superb. I'd easily pay twice as much for this quality in Tokyo. I highly recommend!

August 2017に訪問

Hong kong

“Sushi lovers will love this restaurant ”


This is a high end sushi restaurant in the Yunokawa region. The sushi are probably one of the best I tried in Japan( Toyama is another nice place for good sushi). We have ordered a Kihara set of 11 sushi with sea urchin, tuna, crab leg, shrimps and other seafood. It is real fresh and the sushi l...ooks reasonably decent. We have made extra order of sea urchin, chuotoro and fish(fish looks like with wing). We always like sitting around the sushi table. While we can't speak Japanese, we enjoyed sitting together with other customers. They talked happily with the sushi chef. One of the customers even gave us treats of sake and we all bid goodbye and good night when the customers finished the dinner. Kihara san (the representative director) was so friendly that he gave his business card to us and took pics with us. He reminded us to post the pics and hence you can see the very tasty sushi on this review.

April 2017に訪問

Osaka, Japan

“I think the best sushi restaurant in Hakodate 函館でいちばんのお寿司屋だと思います。”


My most favorite sushi restaurant in Hakodate! 函館でいちばん好きなお寿司屋さんです! Hakodate is one of my favarite sites. I call them my second home town 函館は、わたしの大好きな町のひとつ、 第二のふるさとです。 So,my wife and I come here almost seasonly. だから季節ごとに年に何回も来ます。 The purpose is only one thing! To eat delicious foods. Especially Su...shi! 目的はただひとつ! おいしいものを食べるためです。 特にお寿司です! And the most loving sushi restaurant in Hakodate is this "Kihara" そして、函館でもっとも好きなお店が この『木はら』さんなのです。 Well,What are the attractive points? どこが、よいのか? First of all, foodstuff(fish) is very fresh. Hakodate has much variations of fish. I'm wondering it's because of the sea streams まず文句なしに素材がすばらしい 函館は、お魚のバリエーションに富んでますよね。 海流のかげんでしょうか。 Also,it is located in the Yunokawa spa town, so that there are many rich guests they have. Therefore they can prepare many kinds and much amounts of foodstuff. Therefore, they can provide a extensive food list. またお店が湯の川の温泉街にあって お客さんの筋もいいですし そもそもお客さんが多い。 だからネタも豊富なのです。 それゆえメニューも大変豊富 Off course,the chef,Mr.Kihara has very good technique, above all else,he has natural sense to fish, because he was born and grow up as a son of fisherman near by もちろん、大将の木原さんは抜群の腕をお持ちですが、 何より漁師の家に生まれ育って 身についている魚への特別なこだわりをお持ちです。。 "Freshness and Deliciousness!" this is the first point of the attractiveness of Kihara 『新鮮なお魚と味!』 これが色気の第一 Next,It's about chef,madam,staff team. 次に、大将と女将さん、そしてスタッフたちの魅力です。 Nice conbination of chef and madam. Hokkaido has good product of beautiful women and handsome men, But they are the typical persons. 大将と女将さんの名コンビ 北海道は美男と美女の名産地だが このお二人は代表的でしょう。 Conversation with them is always fun, topics are not exhausted. トークもたのしく いつも話題と笑いに事欠きません。 The chef and the madam are such bright, fun and friendly, but on the other hand, As a master and managers, they are training their team menbers severely. So all the staff are well trained nice guys. 明るく楽しくやさしい中にも 親方、経営者としての 厳しさと才覚をもって スタッフを育てているので みんなすてきなメンバーです。 "good personalities!", this is the second point of the attractiveness of Kihara. 『人柄!』これが色気の第二 In addition to these, the chef and the madam's good personality and high goals they aim produce a clean interior and atmosphere. On the other side of teh entrance, over the main counter, we can see the panoramic view of the Hakodate straits. "Atomosphere", this is the third point of the attractiveness of Kihara. かてて加えて、そしてそうした 大将と女将さんの人柄と お二人がめざす目標が醸し出す きれいなお店と雰囲気。 メインカウンターの向こうには 海峡の海の景色が パノラマウィンドウ越しに一望できます。 『雰囲気!』 これが色気の三つめの要素です。 Well, the recommended menu are as follows. First of all, sashimis. The active squid sashimi, sashimi of abalone, please choose your favorite fish and shellfish from a lot of kinds of today's catch in the display cases. さて、お薦めのメニューはというと、 まずはお刺身類 もちろん活イカのお刺身、あわびのお刺身 お刺身なら、陳列のなかのたくさんの種類から 好きなものを選んでください。 In my case,I request for example a assortment of white fish, of the blue back fish, of shelfish,or of a gradation of Oma tuna. Also herring,root atka mackerel,surf clam, tokishirazu(Special rare salmon),scallop and so on. They are all we can't eat except in Hokkaido. わたしの場合、白身シリーズ、青背の魚シリーズ 大間のマグロのグラデーション、貝のシリーズなど 北海道でこそいただける ニシン、根ホッケ、北寄貝、時しらず、ホタテなどなど And when you take a la carte cocked menu, You can enjoy boiled abalone, sea urchin soaked in salt water, roasted crab, roasted salmon, roasted cod with saikyo miso, and miso soup of the rock laver etc. You can coose a various kind of dishes cocked from seafood staff. そして、一品では、煮アワビ、塩水ウニ、カニの甲羅焼き、 サーモンの焼き物、タラの西京焼き、岩海苔汁… 素材を活かしてさまざまなものが楽しめます。 When the time of sushi comes, You can choose set menu,teh cheff's specialities,or a la carte as you like. お寿司ももちろんセットメニューもよし おまかせもよし、アラカルトもよし 特別リクエストもよしです。 And a rich list of sakes and wines which fit to foods. Ah! within this writing , also now we want to go. そしてそれに合う日本酒、ワインの品ぞろえ 書いているうちにまた行きたくなりました。 We always visit after making a reservaiton, The welcome and treat us haertfully everytime. (I think you don't need to make a reservation.) わたしたちは、いつも予約してお伺いしますが いつもいつもよくしてくださいます。 (予約は必ずしも必要ないと思いますが) By the way, I will begin to write the sushi material as far as I remember it. White meat fish…flatfish, , channel rockfish,red bream,root atka mackerel, sayori, cod, flathead, Salmon. Blue back fish…yellow tale,horse mackerel, sardine, herring. Red meat fish…tuna of Oma, ootoro,chutoro, bonito… Shellfish…abalone, ark shell, scallop, hem clam, spiral shellfish fellow… Prawns…peony prawns, northern shrimp… Crab…snow crab, king crab, hairy crab… Others…Squid, sea urchin, octopus, sea tangle with herring roe… there are no bounds. ちなみに思い出す限りネタを書き出してみましょう 白身…ヒラメ、カレイ、きんき、金目鯛、根ホッケ、さより、タラ、コチ、サーモン、 青背…かんぱち、あじ、いわし、にしん、 赤身…大間のまぐろの赤身、中トロ、トロ、かつお、 貝類…あわび、赤貝、ほたて、北寄貝、ツブガイ… えび…ぼたんえび、あまえび… かに…ずわいがに、たらばがに、毛がに… ほか…イカ、うに、たこ、子持ち昆布… 切りがありません。 My wife and I have heard a lot about Mrs.and Mr.Kihara's hope to their business, their policies they have for the management, their story they got married,and their family. So as a matter of fact, We could hardly think them merely unrelated persons. わたしたち夫婦は、対象と女将さんの お仕事のご希望や考え方もたくさんお聴きしました。 そして、お二人のなれそめも、ご家族のことも なので、とても他人とは思えないのが本音です。 And, Mladam is a very honest person, truly received by my story, she chose the variation of wines which are offered in Kihara,didn't she. It is really an honor, and I'm very glad for it. それに女将さんはとてもすなお わたしの話を真に受けて ワインの品ぞろえをしてくださるなんて ほんと光栄でうれしいです。 Sometime,we come here as a company trip, sometime,we come with my children. Kihara...We never get tired to come many times. We will be continuing to come here in the future. I thank you with whole our heart! 社員旅行できたり、家族を連れてきたり 何度来ても、ほんと飽きません。 これからも来つづけることでしょう。 よろしくお願いしますね。

June 2016に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月・火・木~日・祝前日・祝日 12:00~21:00(L.O.19:00、ドリンクL.O.19:00)




ディナー: 10,000 円


