祇園 京料理 花咲

  • クレジットカード
  • 個室
  • 懐石料理,会席料理,京料理
  • ランチ 3,500 円 ディナー 7,000 円
  • 075-533-3050 (+81-75-533-3050)
  • 月~日 昼食:12:00~15:00(L.O.14:00) 月~日 夕食:17:30~22:00(L.O.20:00)
  • 祇園(京都府)
    京阪電鉄本線 祇園四条駅 徒歩10分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:53 件)

jia hui k
Singapore, Singapore

“Value for money kaiseki ! ”


It is 1 of the more affordable kaiseki dinner in gion area. Cheapest was 5500. We had both 5500 and 8500 set. Definitely worth going for 8500 as it is alot more quality. The kyoto beef was good. The sushi dish was also better as it is seafood base. The sushi dish for 5500 jpy set was pickled base. S...ake was relatively affordable too starting from 900jpy for 180ml. We are a group of 4 adults with an active 1year old boy. We had our own room (with no extra charge) and our boy was busy crawling around the room. The younger waitress was definitely alot friendlier than the older one. It is not an amazing kaiseki experience for someone who already had a ryokan kaiseki experience... however, I will still Definitely recommend this place as it is pretty value for money.

February 2020に訪問

Southampton, United Kingdom

“Great evening with geisha and maiko”


We loved this evening experience! The meal was good, the entertainment and hosts were even better! Both Geisha and Maiko answered all our questions and chatted with us. We all played a game at the endo f the evening and it was really entertaining! Great fun!

December 2019に訪問

San Francisco, California

“Mediocre Food/ Terrible Atmosphere /Bad Lighting/Depressing Room”


We had a private Maiko entertainment dinner here and she was by far the best part of the experience. Otherwise, this place is depressing and ugly as soon as you walk past the interior garden. Our food was so glutenous and not good. The atmosphere in our room was depressing with what looked like flor...escent lighting and an ugly air conditioner to look at with no art, no flowers, no garden, just blank walls of nothingness. Very disappointing, we would never ever go back. One star.

November 2019に訪問

Anna D
Burlington, Vermont

“Last Night in Kyoto Perfection”


I would like to thank this restaurant and our server for what was an amazing evening. It was magical. I feel very lucky to have been there. We were hot and tired (a bit disheveled too, tbh) and had previously looked up this restaurant on trip advisor (thank you Trip Advisor). We made our way near op...ening time (6 pm) and they were able to seat us even without a reservation (lucky). We had been eating all day and so we ordered the small set dinner. OMG this was amazing food - course after beautiful course. A great sampler of the highlights of Japanese food. Chestnut cube with veggies, soup, then sashimi, salmon grilled in a banana leaf with the most amazing browned sweet miso sauce and potato, prawn tempura, sushi, miso soup, pumpkin dumpling, dessert cake with tea and a beer each. Fantastic. The price for all of this beautiful and extraordinarily presented food was only 13000 yen. I’ve had burgers and fries slapped on a plate for the same price. The service was both friendly and excellent. Our server was able to explain what we were eating and expressed humor and kindness. The absolute best part was that the room next to us had a large group with geisha performing (how lucky are we????) We could snatch glimpses of them going in and out of the room and could hear their most extraordinary music. They were so incredibly beautiful and unreal looking. As I sat putting on my shoes two more walked down the street just in front of me. My husband practically knocked one down coming out of the loo in the restaurant and she just laughed and smiled. We then wandered around this most magical area and made our way back to our hotel.

October 2019に訪問


“Shocking experience; prison cell dining”


We sat down to a much anticipated Kaiseki dinner. We had read about it, and heard from friends how good it was. Recommended this restaurant as a more affordable option but the full experience. We were sorely disappointed. We were led down an atmospheric corridor. That was the highlight. From there,... awful. We were led upstairs to an empty and lifeless room. The lights were dentist-chair bright, two gigantic air vents sitting over us, and absolutely no ambience at all. We asked the staff to sit elsewhere, but were first told that was not possible. Then we were told every room is the same. Sadly for the restaurant, I think the latter is true. Each room, private or not, is a bright interrogation cell. We chose the 8800 yen menu because the 5300 menu looked very limited. There were even more expensive options available too. We had three extremely mediocre courses. A poor tofu mouthful, an odd bag of poor bites for appetiser, and completely average sashimi. At that point, we could not take it any more and left. The restaurant still charged us half price for the menu. The staff told us they have renovated in the past month. Sadly in doing so, they may have destroyed something that was once special.

October 2019に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~日 昼食:12:00~15:00(L.O.14:00)
月~日 夕食:17:30~22:00(L.O.20:00)




ランチ: 3,500 円
ディナー: 7,000 円


  • 飲み放題メニューあり


