日本料理 子孫

  • クレジットカード
  • 個室
  • 会席料理
  • ランチ 10,000 円 ディナー 15,000 円
  • 0798-71-1116 (+81-798-71-1116)
  • 月~水・金~日 昼の部:12:00~15:00(L.O.13:30) 月~水・金~日 夜の部:17:00~22:00(L.O.20:00)
  • 夙川(兵庫県)
    阪急甲陽線 甲陽園駅 徒歩5分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:17 件)

Piedmont, Canada

“Wow this place is great !!!!”


The food is over the top good a bit pricey although an excellent once in a lifetime experience- pay attention to the address and use google maps to get you there and very easy by train, the one thing it is a set menu so you don't get to choose which is a good thing as they do not speak much English,... Enjoy !!!

March 2017に訪問

New York

“An awesome michelin 3-star restuarant with an affordable price”


when we planned for our kansai trip, we wanted to visit ONE nice Japanese restaurant and out of all the Michelin starred restaurants, we picked komago because of its reasonable price tag. you wouldn't find even Michelin one star restaurant with that price in Osaka or Kyoto. yes, it's a bit off the b...eaten path, about 45 mins from the umeda station, Osaka but it's worth every cent. komago offers the traditional mutli-course Japanese meals called kaiseki-ryōri. you can choose from different meals depends on the budget. and we chose the mid-range, i.e. JPY15,000. it's hard to find the way after we got off from the train station because google maps is not that great in that area. there was a map hanging on a street pole by the road and it was between that street map and the google maps that we got confused. after some walking around and getting no where, we got help from a local store owner and were able to just make it on time, And we were greeted by the staff with the Japanese hospitality. as you can tell from my pictures, every course was special, yummy and seasonal. the staff doesn't really speak English and we don't speak Japanese, so when we wanted to get a copy of the menu, we hard a bit trouble to communicate but eventually they understood, in Japanese though. we had a room to ourselves. the décor and the view to the garden were all we expected and loved for a traditional Japanese experience, including a send-off by the owner/chef. it's not the first and only kaiseki-ryōri we had but it's definitely one of the best. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who want to try a Michelin 3-star restaurant. im not sure if I would make a trip just for the meal but definitely worth a detour.

November 2014に訪問

Nishinomiya, Japan

“3 star Michelin restaurant in the middle of nowhere”


This is a three Michelin star restaurant for many years however if you are not with a local, you would not even come close to guessing this is a restaurant. This was a former tea ceremony house converted to a small restaurant. The food is exquisite and the service is sublime. They serve tradi...tional Japanese washoku cuisine. We had the lunch omakase. It came down to seven courses including dessert. Everything was beautiful as it was tasty. The food was very subtle in taste. Couple of highlights, instead of standard bowl of rice as the last course, they presented deconstructed ochasuke with tiny shrimp on top. It was beautiful to look at and it satisfied the need for a carbohydrate. Another beautiful touch was a course all filled in multiple mini shot glasses, my favorite was the picked octopus with seasoned radish, all presented in a glass lantern. All the servers are wearing traditional kimonos. As far as I can see, none spoke English. However one does not need to speak a lot of Japanese to get by here.

May 2014に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by



月~水・金~日 昼の部:12:00~15:00(L.O.13:30)
月~水・金~日 夜の部:17:00~22:00(L.O.20:00)


毎週木曜日 年末年始(2020年12月30日~2021年1月7日)


ランチ: 10,000 円
ディナー: 15,000 円


