焼鳥屋 鳥貴族 天王寺北口店

  • クレジットカード
  • 禁煙
  • 居酒屋,焼き鳥,串焼き
  • ディナー 2,000 円
  • 06-6773-5128 (+81-6-6773-5128)
  • 17:00~翌1:00(L.O.24:30)
  • 天王寺・阿倍野(大阪府)
    JR 天王寺駅 徒歩1分




英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:7 件)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

“Discriminated Service!”


It was a cold night on 22nd March, me and my wife decided to revisit this yakitori shop that we have tried last year in Tokyo and so happens that they have an Osaka branch . Went there and waited outside for almost 30 minutes withering the cold weather.... Finally got ourself a small corner for 2. M...ade our orders of about 8 plates of skewers. The dishes came out sequentially rather fast while the taste is in general ok not fantastic. All seems alright until the 7 dish came out while we are already growing comfortable to our seats and in preparation to order another round of skewers. Al of a sudden a waiter came by and request us to change our table citing another customer would like to take up our table. While we do not speak Japanese, hence we find the whole communication a major hiccup and rather unpleasant. We have no choice but to relocate but it was a major turn off for us and felt that we are being discriminated of sort. We went about to finish our last plate and never add further orders since we lost our mood to dine there further in view of the less than pleasant dining experience. I would be a whole lot more willing if it is due to some reasonable excuse, but to have myself relocated just because the other customer likes my table better is down right absurd.... Well I'm thoroughly done with it and went about to pay the cheque and bugger off with my half full stomach.... Ended up walking over to Yoshinoya nearby for a bowl of trouble free beef bowl rice!

March 2018に訪問


“Very good restaurant!”


非常好吃且服務優等的餐廳。 This restaurant provides very delicious food and drinks. I love their kushi mono (串物). The drinks are also great with many kinds of alcohol drinks. Services are also perfect. Will visit there next time!

November 2017に訪問

全ての口コミを読む Recently Reviewed by






ディナー: 2,000 円


  • 食べ放題メニューあり
  • 飲み放題メニューあり


