英語で投稿された口コミ(全言語の口コミ件数:5 件)
“Izakaya with a very extensive menu”
野菜・肉・魚介類を活用したメニューだけでなく、酒類のメニューも非常に豊富で、メニューを見ただけで何を頼むか悩んでしまう程の居酒屋です。しかし、各テーブルに排煙管が設置されているように、七輪を使った肉や魚介類を客自身で焼いて食べる料理が最も人気です。他にも、見た目が凝った料理がいくつかあり、それだけでも友人との話に花を咲かせることが出来るでしょう。 利用した際はまだ夕食の時間にしてはやや早い時間帯であったからか、客の入りもまだ多くなく、酒類や料理の給仕も比較的スムーズでした。しかし、混雑した時間帯にもなると、給仕のスピードは遅くなる可能性が非常に高いです。加えて各テーブルにスタッフを呼ぶためのブ...ザー等は無いため、スタッフの目が届きにくい店の奥の席に通されると、注文すらスムーズにいかない可能性があります。フロア内の通路は狭いため、車椅子等の障碍を持つ方や大きな荷物を持つの利用はあまりお勧めできません(入口に段差は無いため、入退店は気軽に出来ますが)。 前述の通り客の入りがあまり多くない時間帯に利用したため、スタッフの対応も一部でややぞんざいに感じる程度で済みましたが、混雑した時間帯はそれが顕著になると思います。 In addition to a menu that makes use of vegetables, meat, and seafood, the Izakaya also has a very extensive menu of alcoholic beverages, so much so that customers have a hard time deciding what to order just by looking at the menu. However, the most popular dishes are those where customers grill meat and seafood themselves using a shichirin (a charcoal griddle), as each table is equipped with a flue pipe. There are also several other dishes that are so elaborate in appearance that they will be enough to get you and your friends talking. When I used the restaurant, it was still somewhat early for dinner, so there were not many customers yet, and the serving of alcoholic beverages and dishes were relatively smooth. However, during busy times of the day, serving speed is very likely to slow down. In addition, there is no buzzer at each table to call staff, so if you are seated in the back of the restaurant where it is difficult for staff to see you, there is a possibility that even ordering may not go smoothly. The aisles on the floor are narrow, so it is not recommended for customers with disabilities such as wheelchairs or those carrying large luggage (although there are no steps at the entrance, so it is easy to enter and exit the restaurant). As mentioned above, I used the restaurant at a time when there were not many customers, so we only felt that some of the staff were a bit rude, but I think this would be more noticeable during busy times.
July 2022に訪問