Restaurant Detail
Address | 3-14-5, Kanoucho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 650-0001 |
Japanese Address |
〒650-0001 兵庫県神戸市中央区加納町3-14-5 上山ビル1F
Access | Subway Seishin-yamate Line Sannomiya Station 5-minute walk |
Parking | No Parking |
Phone Number | +81-78-414-8002 |
Hours | Dinner: 11:30 - 15:00(L.O.14:00), 17:00 - 23:00(L.O.22:00) |
Close | Open everyday |
Average price | Lunch 1,500 JPY Dinner 2,000 JPY |
For business names, representatives or business managers, and contact information, please contact the store. |
Seating/Facility information
Seating Capacity | 24 |
Smoking | No smoking inside the store |
Kid Friendly | Children are welcome |
Wi-Fi / Plug-in | au, SoftBank, NTT DoCoMo |
Menu and Others information
Infection prevention FAQUpdated on April 11, 2022 |
Information |
Unregistered |
*Infection prevention are provided by the shop and are not checked by Gurunavi for accuracy.