• Credit Card
  • Private Room
  • Non-Smoking
  • English Menu
  • French Cuisine
  • Lunch 5,000 JPY Dinner 12,000 JPY
  • 03-3407-3538 (+81-3-3407-3538)
  • Tuesday - Sunday Lunch: 12:00 - 15:00(L.O.13:30) Tuesday - Sunday Dinner: 18:00 - 22:00(L.O.19:00)
  • Omote-sando / Aoyama(Tokyo)
    Subway Omotesando Station 3-minute walk



JPY 7,000 course

tax included


JPY 9,000 course

tax included


Chef's course

tax included

カニとアボカドのタルタル キャビア添え トマトとバジルのソース

Crab and avocado tartar, accompanied with caviar, tomato and basil sauce


Consomme jelly of poached egg, lobster, scallop, sea urchin, and caviar

tax included

オマール海老とホタテ貝のファルシー フルーツトマト添え

Farcies of lobster and scallop, accompanied by fruit tomato

tax included

ホワイトアスパラガスのロースト ヴィネクレットソース フルーツトマト添え

Roasted white asparagus, with vinaigrette sauce, accompanied by fruit tomato

江戸前穴子と鴨のフォアグラ、茄子のミルフィーユ仕立て ロケット菜添え

Edomae conger, duck foie gras, and eggplant prepared in mille-feuille style, accompanied with rocket salad

tax included


Recommendation appetizer of the day

金沢から産地直送魚のポワレ シャンパン風味のブールブランソース

Poele of fish directly sent from Kanazawa, with champagne flavored with beurre blanc sauce

フランス産木の子と魚の網脂包み オリーブオイル風味

French mushrooms and fish crepinette, with olive oil flavor

本日入荷の魚のポワレバルサミコソース 季節野菜のソテーを添えて

Poele of today's delivery fish with balsamic sauce, accompanied with sauteed seasonal vegetables

北海道産エイのポワレ ケッパー入り焦がしバターソース じゃが芋のピュレ添え

Poele of Hokkaido's ray, with caper and olive in burned butter sauce and potato puree

和牛ロースのロティ シャンピニオンとじゃが芋添え お1人様

Rotie of Japanese domestic beef loin, accompanied with champignon and potato, per person

tax included

フランス産うずらの詰め物のロースト トリュフソース

Roasted stuffed French quail, with truffle sauce

牛テールの赤ワイン煮込み じゃが芋のピュレ添え

Ox tail simmered with red wine, accompanied with potato puree

牛フィレ肉のポワレ フォアグラ添え トリュフソース

Poele of beef filet, accompanied with foie gras and truffle sauce

tax included

仔羊背肉のローストタイム風味 南仏野菜のソテー添え

Roasted lamb rack flavored with thyme, accompanied with sauteed vegetables of South of France

バンデ産仔鳩のロティ そのジュを添えて

Rotie of young pigeon of Bande, accompanied by its jus

tax included

骨付き仔豚のロースト そのジュを添えて

Roasted young pork with bones, accompanied by its jus


A plate of English tea flavored dessert

赤ワインを使った季節のフルーツのコンポート バニラアイスクリーム添え

Seasonal fruit compote prepared with red wine, accompanied with vanilla ice cream

シチリア産ハチミツを使ったヌガーグラッセ アイスクリーム添え

Nougat Glace with Cicilian honey, accompanied with ice cream

フルーツのスープ バニラとパッションフルーツの風味 シャーベット添え

Fruit soup flavored with vanilla and passion fruit, accompanied with sherbet

マンゴーのパルフェとフローマージュブラン シャーベット添え

Mango parfait and fromage blanc, accompanied with sherbet



温泉卵とオマール海老、帆立貝 ウニ キャビアのコンソメゼリー

Crab and avocado tartar, accompanied with caviar, tomato and basil sauce


Conger, foie gras, eggplant prepared in mille-feuille style


Poele of young duck filet and foie gras, accompanied with honey-roasted fig


Ice cream and crispy pie prepared in mille-feuille style

*Ingredients listed are representative and may not include everything in the dish.Additional ingredients may be used. Depending on season and availability, ingredients may change.

*Photos shown are for illustration purpose only.

*Price may vary.

* The price is in Japanese Yen (JPY)

Multiple Language Conversion System is Gurunavi's original system protected by patents (Japan Patent No. 5898365, No. 5952479)



Tuesday - Sunday Lunch: 12:00 - 15:00(L.O.13:30)
Tuesday - Sunday Dinner: 18:00 - 22:00(L.O.19:00)


Every Monday

Average price

Lunch: 5,000 JPY
Dinner: 12,000 JPY

Service Offer

  • English menu available
  • Vegetarian Menu Options

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