Reviews List

English Reviews (Reviews Total Language : 24 reviews)
“The best of ramen inthe world”
This ramen is the most delicious ramen I have eaten. So it is the best delicious ramen in Japan. Moreover, it is very cheap. It can be eaten at 600 yen. he surprising thing about this ramen is that it is not bad for your body even if you drink all the soup. Drinking all the common ramen soup is ba...d for your health because it contains additives and salt. The soup of this store's ramen is handmade so good for your health. There is another surprising point. It is rich taste of salt noodles. Common salt ramen is non-fat. But this store is salt noodle is very rich soup. This shop is a bit narrow but very clean. Your life will change by eating ramen at this shop. You should eat this noodle ramen.
Visited December 2016